There are many recipes to make, we have chosen that we found the easiest of all:
Ingredients for the tuna pie:
1 Cover pie.
2 cans of tuna.
1 egg.
2 tomatoes.
3 onions.
Buttery cheese.
Grated cheese.
Cheese Casancrem.
Put two or three tablespoons of oil in a large skillet. Three onions cut into small squares and put them to heat. Cut the tomatoes in two large squares. We put to boil in a small saucepan heat the egg (boiled egg).
Open cans of tuna, add to the pan, without oil cans inside, along with tomatoes. Then add salt and pepper and mix everything. Add two tablespoons of cheese (Casancrem) and oregano, turn to mix everything. When the onions are transparent ¨ ¨ will be the sign that we will have finished cooking everything, because the tuna does not need cooking.
one pizzera Enmantecaremos and put a cake tops, stretch it to cover the bottom well, then add the preparation up top of cake, we will draw the egg shell and cut it into chunks, incorporating well. Buttery cheese add up and, in the end, put the grated cheese on top. The lid will close with another cake. We'll put it in the oven (medium / high) about 20, 25 minutes and you're ready to eat tuna Pie.
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